Student Ministry Directors:
Ben and Maria Roberts are native to Campbell County. They have been married for nine years. They have served the Lord together for many years touring with The Shine Effect, a Christian rock/worship band. Ben and Maria have a heart to serve Jesus and minister to students.
People really don't care about how much we know about life until they see how much we care about their life. At OneLove Church we fully believe you need community with people your age and with adults of all ages as well. You have just as much to add to the body of Christ as anybody else!
Go Where they are
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) did not say to wait for others to come to you. It told us to GO! And that means going to schools and eating lunch. It means spending weekends having game nights. It means getting ice cream after a rough break-up. We believe to going where they are and meeting them in their life is what God calls us to do.